Oxy Powder Review – Will It Ease Your Constipation?

Oxy Powder is a dietary supplement which promises to ease mild constipation, promote bowel movement regularity, boost energy, and enhance digestion.
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There are a wide range of digestive health products on the market, including powder drinks, capsules, and other formulas. Taking a gut health supplement may be a good way to improve your digestion and relieve symptoms like mild constipation and bloating.

Cleanest Body Reviews

Oxy Powder is a dietary supplement which offers these benefits. To find out if it’s the right choice for you, read our detailed review.

What is Oxy Powder?

If you’re in the market for a digestive health supplement to enhance your gut health, Oxy Powder is one of your options. It promises to promote healthy bowel movements, ease mild constipation and other unpleasant issues, and boost energy.

While some users liked it, the formula only includes 2 primary active ingredients and is missing key substances that other similar products contain.

Editor’s Rating

Oxy Powder

Global Healing Oxy-Powder is a gut health supplement that promises to improve digestion and relieve mild constipation.

You can purchase Oxy-Powder intestinal cleanser from a number of retailers and stores, including the official site. This is the price list:

  • 60 Capsules: $29.95 Amazon
  • 120 Capsules (1 Month): $49.95 Walmart

Features and Rating

Overall Rating: 2.8/5

Features Rating
Ingredients 2/5
Value for Cost 2.3/5
Manufacturer 4/5
Customer Reviews 3/5

About the Brand

The product manufacturer is a company called Global Healing. Founded in 1998, this health and wellness company produces a line of organic, vegan supplements for various health concerns like digestion and immune functioning. They have their headquarters in Houston, Texas.

Oxy Powder Facts and Specs

  • Form:Capsules
  • Brand:Global Healing
  • Contact:Global Healing, 1242 N Post Oak Rd Suite 100, Houston, TX 77055, Phone: 1-800-476-0016
    Contact Page
  • Ingredients:Magnesium, Natural Citric Acid From Tapioca
  • Cost$49.95/120 Capsules
  • Guarantee1 Year Money Back Guarantee
Gut Vita Reviews

Pros and Cons of Oxy Powder


  • This supplement may improve digestive health.
  • Oxy Powder could ease constipation and other gastrointestinal issues.
  • It may cleanse and detoxify the colon and intestines.
  • Global Healing Oxy Powder might promote regular bowel movements.
  • This supplement may improve energy levels.


  • Oxy Powder pills may expose you to lead, for possible birth defects.
  • There are a number of missing key ingredients.
  • The Oxy Powder directions ask you to take 4 capsules daily.

How Does Oxy Powder Work?

While there are only 2 active ingredients, both have laxative properties and may help cleanse the colon of waste and toxins, improving overall digestion. This could lead to healthier bowel movements, and possibly relieve issues like bloating, gas, and mild constipation.

The Oxy Powder formula also helps in the production of enzymes in the saliva, which helps break down the food for easier digestion. A review published in Current Drug Metabolism looked at the research regarding digestive enzymes and their impact on gastrointestinal diseases [1].

It has anti-inflammatory agents that may relieve gut swelling and boost the health of other organs like the heart. A review in Intestinal Research discussed the possible impact of an anti-inflammatory diet on relieving inflammatory bowel disease [2].

The supplement has antioxidants which could lower the oxidative stress levels by eliminating some of the damaging free radicals in your system. This may result in healing and repair in the body and enhanced immune functioning.

A literature review in Free Radical Research discussed the potential role and concentration of antioxidants in the digestive system [3].

What are the Key Ingredients?

Oxy Powder Supplement Facts
Oxy Powder Supplement Facts

These are the primary active Oxy Powder ingredients:


This essential mineral supports numerous bodily functions, such as muscle and nerve function and energy regulation. In addition, it may have laxative benefits and could help cleanse the colon. It produces enzymes in the saliva which help break down the food.

What the Experts Say

A review by Hideki MoriJan Tack and Hidekazu Suzuki published in Nutrients discussed the research supporting the efficacy of magnesium in digestive health and easing constipation [4].

According to a 28-day research study conducted by Sumire Mori, et al and published in the Journal of Neurogastroenterological Motility magnesium intake improved symptoms in volunteers with mild to moderate constipation [5].

Natural Citric Acid

Derived from citrus fruits, this acid has laxative properties and could help cleanse the colon and improve digestion and elimination. Citric acid may relieve symptoms like bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. It also has powerful antioxidant benefits which could decrease inflammation, repair gut damage, and boost immunity

What the Experts Say

Research conducted by ER Ekawati and W Darmanto in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science found that citric acid has anti-bacterial potential which can eliminate diarrhea causing pathogens [6].

Summary: Powder may promote digestive enzyme production for ease of digestion, and it has laxative benefits which help cleanse the colon, promote healthy elimination, and ease symptoms like mild constipation.

Colon Cleanser Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.Is Oxy Powder Safe?

A. The formula is safe, and there are no ingredients which pose any particular risk or lead to harmful Oxy Powder side effects. It’s free of toxic additives, gluten, GMOs, dairy, soy, alcohol, and harsh chemicals.

Q.What is the Return Policy?

A. The manufacturer is offering a one-year money back guarantee on their products, even open, used items. If you’re not happy with the supplement, submit a return request within a year of the purchase through their website. There is a limit of one return for each individual.

Q.Oxy Powder: Where to Buy?

A. You can purchase Oxy Powder by Global Healing from the manufacturer’s official website, and it’s also available from a number of other online and offline retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and GNC. The prices on the official site are as follows:

One Time Purchase

  • 60 Capsules – $29.95
  • 120 Capsules – $49.95


  • 60 Capsules – $26.96
  • 120 Capsules – $29.95

Q.What Sets It Apart From the Competition?

A. This supplement uses a somewhat unique formula compared to many other digestive health supplements, however, what sets it apart is that there are only 2 primary active ingredients and many missing substances that would make Oxy Powder Global Healing more powerful.

What Do the Oxy Powder Reviews Say?

The Oxy Powder reviews varied in their opinions of this supplement. There were quite a few positive reviews from customers who said it did improve regularity and ease some of their gut symptoms. However, there were others who found the results disappointing.

Here are a few customer comments, to give you a good idea of the general user experience for Oxy Powder Cleanse.


I do believe it’s starting to work; some of us have slower systems. Use this for constipation; it’s better with it than without.~Katherine C.

It’s an OK Product

I’ve not noticed a big difference. These combined with good probiotics did wonders, but once I ran out of the probiotics and only had these…. they didn’t do the job.~Kristina D.

Stopped Working After a Few Uses

It worked great the first three or four times I used it and then it stopped completely. I’d even say it started to have the opposite effect. I didn’t take it every day, it was a once a month/once every couple of months kind of thing, so I know building a tolerance was not the issue.~Kubota

Helps Bowel Movements

This product does really help bowel movements and detox. After 4 to 5 days you’ll start noticing detoxing and will feel how your whole colon system moves. I personally recommend taking 1 capsule before going to bed with two glasses of water.~Jess

Rating for Claimed Benefits

Here is our ratings, based on scientific evidence, of how likely Oxy Powder Probiotic will be effective for its claimed benefits:

  • Improves Digestive Health*3.0/5
  • Eases Mild Constipation and Other Gut Issues*3.2/5
  • Promotes Regular Bowel Movements*2.9/5
  • Boosts Energy Levels*2.8/5

Note: We used the insights from our research and analysis to assign a star rating from one to five (five being the best; one being the worst) to this product.

Final Verdict

Oxy-Powder is a dietary supplement which aims to improve digestive health, promote improved regularity, and relieve issues like constipation, gas, and bloating. With only 2 primary active ingredients, it may work but there are more potent brands for a similar cost.

There were a range of different Oxy Powder Colon Cleanse reviews, some stating very positive results from the product and others saying it wasn’t strong enough to resolve their digestive issues. Some users found it provided initial benefits, and then stopped working.

Oxy Powder Colon Cleanse is a safe product free of toxic additives, GMOs, alcohol, and allergens like gluten, soy, dairy. However, if you experience side effects that are unpleasant, stop using the supplement right away. Prior to talking it, see a physician and get medical approval.

All of the cells and tissues in your body and your major organ of detoxification, the liver rely upon your colon. The colon processes waste and bacteria preparing it for elimination from the body. Colon cleanse products should be determined based on its: potential to clean the colon of harmful waste & toxins, potential to promote better digestion & increase elimination, potential to promote improved* immune system function, potential to provide increased energy levels*. The quality of the ingredients should be backed by clinical research.

Below you'll find some of the most effective colon cleanse supplements on the market today, in our opinion.

Rating Table

Our Top Colon Health Products


Colon Broom

Colon Broom Overall Rating 4.9/5 Overall rating Read Full Review
  • Enhances Energy and FocusRating 5
  • Aids in Natural ThermogenesisRating 4
  • Helps with PerformanceRating 5
  • Supports High-intensity ExercisesRating 5


  • Mood And Energy Boost
  • Weight Management
  • Protected Intestine
  • Lightness In Your Gut
  • Improved Digestion System
  • Regular Bowel Movement


  • It is only available on the internet
  • Daily consumption is required
  • Brand: Max Nutrition UAB
  • Type: Powder Drink Supplement
  • Ingredients: Psyllium Husk, Calcium, Potassium
  • Return Policy: 14 Days
Customer Reviews
Customer Rating I like it

I'm now on my second week of using this product and I love it. I've had issues with chronic diarrhoea and it's completely corrected with this product. My energy levels have increased and it has really elevated my mood. I have not had any issues with bloating and have lost 3 lbs without intending to. I just ordered another jar as I plan on moving up to twice a day.

Bottom Line

The bulk-forming laxative Colon Broom from Max Nutrition LLC is promoted as a secure and efficient way to treat constipation, shed pounds, and cleanse your body. Colon Broom helps with the signs and symptoms of irregular bowel movements, such as gut heaviness, constipation, an unbalanced gut microbiota, difficulty losing weight, low energy, and the potential for bloating.

Check Price

Colon Detox Plus

Colon Detox Plus Overall Rating 4.8/5 Overall rating Read Full Review
  • Support Healthy Digestive SystemSupport Healthy Digestive System
  • Promote Healthy Gut FloraPromote Healthy Gut Flora
  • Smooth Bowel MovementsSmooth Bowel Movements
  • Quality Natural IngredientsQuality Natural Ingredients


  • Improves the health of your digestive system
  • Improve health of the immune system
  • Supports healthy gut flora
  • Supports for the natural body function


  • Only available for purchase online
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before using this supplement
  • Brand: Vita Balance
  • Type: Capsule
  • Ingredients: Alfalfa Leaf, Buckthorn, & Rhubarb
  • Return Policy: 30 days
Customer Reviews
Customer Rating Great product and works with me

I tried various products with little success until I tried colon detox plus and noticed a significant change.

Bottom Line

VitaPost Colon Detox Plus is a 15-day course meant to help a healthy digestive system in passing toxins and waste. The Colon Detox Plus formula contains calcium, as well as probiotics and prebiotics, which maintain healthy gut flora. Customers have never reported any unpleasant side effects from the robust VitaPost Colon Detox Plus recipe, which comprises powerful proven, quality ingredients in their ideal proportions, including the powerful, supported combo of Buckthorn & Rhubarb.

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Probiotic 40-Billion

Vita Balance Probiotic 40-Billion Overall Rating 4.8/5 Overall rating Read Full Review
  • Support Digestive FunctionSupport Digestive Function
  • Promote Good BacteriaPromote Good Bacteria
  • Support Healthy ImmunitySupport Healthy Immunity
  • Quality Natural IngredientsQuality Natural Ingredients


  • Aids the Immune System
  • Encourages Healthy Digestive Function
  • Promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria


  • Only available for purchase online.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before using this supplement.
  • Brand: Vita Balance
  • Type: Capsule
  • Ingredients: Lactobacillus Acidophilus, & Bifidobacterium Lactis
  • Return Policy: 30 days
Customer Reviews
Customer Rating This product is great, cleans your bowels thoroughly

This is my second probiotic supplement, and it is by far the superior of the two. I'm not sure whether it's proper, but I just placed the capsules in my morning smoothie. It works for me.

Bottom Line

Vita Balance Probiotic 40-Billion is a brand-new solution that improves the digestive health of the body. It is a formula that contains the optimum microorganisms to facilitate digestion and absorption of digested dietary items. Customers have never reported any negative side effects from the Probiotic 40-Billion, which contains powerful proven, quality ingredients in optimal quantities, including the powerful, supported combination of Bifidobacterium Lactis and Lactobacillus Acidophilus.

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Product reviews are intended for informational purposes only and represent the views and opinions of the contributors only, and not those of Colon Health Magazine. We do not confirm or support any claims made in these reviews. Please read the full product reviews disclaimer.

Read All Oxy Powder Customer Reviews

Oxy Powder Review – Will It Ease Your Constipation?
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  1. Joanna Benz

    Your Rating:

    No Side Effects
    It’s been several years since I took Oxy-Powder, but I thought it was fantastic. Instructions say that you can take a little more if it doesn’t seem to be working, which I sometimes did. It was never too strong and never caused diarrhea. Just gave safe effective and gentle colon clearing, as desired.
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11 Sources

**This is a subjective assessment based on the strength of the available informations and our estimation of efficacy. Colon Health Magazine adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. To the best of our knowledge, all content is accurate as of the date posted, though offers contained herein may no longer be available. The opinions expressed are the author's alone and have not been provided, approved or otherwise endorsed by our advertisers.

*Individual Results may vary. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a serious medical condition, or have a history of heart conditions we suggest consulting with a physician before using any supplement. Your health and wellness is unique to you, and the products and services we review may not be right for your circumstances. The information contained in this website is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and should not be relied upon as a medical advice. For personal advice, please consult with a medical professional.

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